Whatsapp status for Boys

“If you are going away, go with your hobby, just remember that there is no habit of looking back.”

“It is better to be ruined by doubting someone, and to be ruined by believing in someone.”

“We waste someone as much as we can”

“What you blindly trust, often opens your eyes.”

“No punishment or no apology, and for those who burn us, our selfie is enough.”

“We are fools, what would you understand? Usool-e-Mohabbat just wanted you, wanted you and wanted you”

“That blood runs in our veins, if one drop falls on the acid, the acid burns”

“Be the king, like a lion, or even frighten dogs know”

“Give full respect to the people, not because it is their right, but because you have rites.”

“Burn is called fire and extinguished ashes and whose status are you reading?” He is called the Father of Attitude “

“It makes sense to praise myself! Khushboo tells 
which flower it is. “

“The name is not made in a day, but it does become one day ..!”

“Relationships are like pearls, even if a pearl falls apart and falls, 
it should be lifted.”

“We have great troubles in life, yet we are happy.”

“My status was yesterday, it is still today and will be tomorrow, 
it is my calendar, not Attitude, which does not change with 
the year, friends ..!”

“Man should never lose courage, because the river that rises from the mountain does not ask anyone the way to where the sea is?”

“Afraid, we don’t belong to anyone’s father, but in the middle there comes a thing called Respect”

“We will fight those who openly host enmity, but what to do with those who give the pain of smiling…!”

“Brother, I have given the right to speak only to friends, even today, enemies know me by the name of the Father”

“Sometimes it makes you so relaxed to see you that the heart just keeps looking at you all day.”

“It is in our nature to burn the enemy and to kill one’s friend”

“The best relationship in the world is where a light smile and a small apology make life come back to life.”

“We draw many shortcomings inside others, let’s have a meeting with the mirror too.”

Status in Hindi

दूर जा रहे हो तो शौक से जानाबस इतना याद रखना पीछे मुड़ कर देखने की आदत इधर भी नहीं है
किसी पर शक करके बर्बाद होने से अच्छा हैकिसी पर यकीन करके बर्बाद जो जाओ।
हम किसी को इतना बर्बाद करते हैं जितना उसकी औकात हो
आप जिस पर आँख बंद करके भरोसा करते हैंअक्सर वही आप की आँखें खोल जाता है।
 कोई सजा  कोई माफ़ीऔर हमसे जलने बालो के लिएहमारी सेल्फी ही है काफी।
हम तो नादान हैं क्या समझेंगे उसूलमोहब्बत बस तुझे चाहा थातुझे चाहा है और तुझे ही चाहेंगे
हमारी रगों में वो खून दौड़ता है जिसकी एक बूंद अगर तेजाब पर गिर जाए तो तेजाब जल जाए
बादशाह बनो शेर जैसे वरना डराना तो कुत्ते भी जानते हैं
लोगों को भरपूर सम्मान दीजिएइसलिए नहीं कि ये उनका अधिकार है 
बल्कि इसलिए की आपमें संस्कार है।
जली को आग और बुझी को राख कहते हैं और जिसका स्टेटस तुम पढ़ रहे हो 
उसे Attitude का बाप कहते हैं
तारीफ़ अपने आप की करना फ़िज़ूल हैखुशबू बता देती है कि कौन सा फूल है।
नाम एक दिन मे नहीं बनता लेकीन एक दिन जरूर बन जाता है..!”
रिश्ते मोती की तरह होते हैंअगर कोई मोती टूट कर गिर भी जाएं तो उसे झुककर उठा लेना चाहिए।
जिंदगी में बड़े कष्ट है फिर भी हम मस्त है।
मेरा जो रुतबा कल था,
वो आज भी है और कल भी रहेगा,
कैलेंडर नहीं Attitude है मेरा,
जो साल के साथ बदलता नहीं दोस्तों..!”
इंसान को कभी हिम्मत नहीं हारनी चाहिए, 
क्योंकि पहाड़ से निकली नदी किसी से रास्ता नहीं पूछती की समन्दर कहाँ है?”
डरते तो हम किसी के बाप से नहीं बस बीच में Respect नाम की चीज  जाती है
हम उनसे तो लड़ लेंगेजो खुले आम दुश्मनी करते हैंलेकिन उनका क्या करेजो लोग मुस्कुरा के दर्द देते हैं!”
भाई बोलने का हक मैंने सिर्फ दोस्तों को दिया है वरना आज भी दुश्मन मुझे बाप के नाम से जानते हैं
कभी कभी तुम्हे देख लेने से इतना सुकून मिलता है की दिल करता है की सारा दिन बस तुम्हे देखते रहे 
दुश्मन को जलाना और दोस्त के लिए जान की बाजी लगाना हमारी फितरत में है
दुनियां का सबसे बेहतरीन रिश्ता वही होता है जहाँ एक हल्की सी मुस्कुराहट और छोटी सी माफी से जिंदगी दुबारा पहले जैसी हो जाती है।
बहुत कमियां निकालते हैं हम दूसरों के अंदरआईये जरा एक मुलाकात आईने से भी कर लें।