My wife, Sharon, and I bought a new car in December. Even though we had tickets to fly from California to Houston to meet my family for Christmas, we decided to go to Texas to brake in the new car. We packed the car and left for an amazing week with Grandma. We had an amazing time and a walk with Grandma at the last possible minute. On the return trip, we needed to get home in a hurry, so we drove straight – one person was driving while the other was sleeping. After driving in hard rain for several hours, we arrived home late at night. We were tired and ready for a hot bath and a soft bed. I had a feeling that no matter how tired we were, we should unpack the car that night, but all Sharon wanted to be a hot shower and soft bed, so we decided to wait and unload the car in the morning. did. At seven in the morning, we got up and prepared to unpack the car. When we opened the front door, there were no cars in the driveway! Sharon and I looked at each other, looked back at the driveway, and looked at each other again. Sharon then asked this wonderful question, “Okay, where have you parked the car?” 

Laughing, I replied,

“Right in the road.” “Now we knew where we parked the car, but we went out nonetheless, hoping that perhaps the car had miraculously exited the driveway and parked itself by the curb, but it wasn’t. Left, we called the police and filed a report that activated our high-tech tracking system. To be on the safe side, I also called the tracking system company. They I was assured that they had a 98 percent recovery rate within two hours. In two hours, I called again and asked,

“Where is my car?” “We haven’t got it yet, Mr. Harris, but we have a 94 percent rate recovery within four hours.” Two hours passed. I called back and asked, 

“Where is my car?” Answered, “We haven’t found it yet, but we have a recovery rate of 90 percent within eight hours to find it.” At that point, I told them. “Your percentage rate means nothing to me. When i g I am in a percentage, so call me when you get it. “Later that day, a commercial asked the autocycle,” Wouldn’t you like to keep this car. “Your driveway?” I replied, “Sure. ! I had one yesterday. “As the day rolled on, Sharon became increasingly upset because she remembered what 
else was in the car – our wedding albums, our previous generations, our family photos from clothes, all our camera equipment.” , My wallet and our checkbook, to name a few. These were items of little importance to our existence, yet they seemed of major importance at the time. Concerned and desperate, Sharon asked me, “How can you joke about this when all these things and our brand’s Car missing? ” I looked at him and said, “Honey, we can have a stolen car and everyone can get upset, or we can have a stolen car and be happy. Anyhow, we have a stolen car. I believe that our attitudes and moods are choices and I like to be happy right now. “Five days later our car was returned without detecting any of our belongings and with more than $ 3,000 worth of damage to the car. I took it to the dealer for repairs and was glad to hear that within a week It will come back to us. At the end of that week, I left the rental and picked up my car. I was excited and relieved to have my car back. Unfortunately, these feelings are alpaca. On the way home, I rear-ended another car on the freeway exit ramp. It didn’t hurt the car I ran into, but it was definitely our loss – another $ 3,000. Damage and another insurance claim. I managed to drive the car into my driveway, but when I stepped out to 

survey the damage, the left front tire fell flat.

As I was standing in the driveway, looking at the car, hitting myself in the tail to hit the other car, Sharon came home. She turned to me, looked at the car and then me. Seeing that I was beating myself up, he put his hands around me and said, “Honey, we can have a wrecked car and all be upset, or we can be a wrecked car and be happy Huh. Either way, we have a wrecked car, so choose to be happy. 

I surrendered with hearty laughter and we went together on a wonderful evening.

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