Many years ago there was a beautiful place named Tama. Its population
was more than twenty five thousands. Tama was the headquarter of one
of his district block. There are several colleges and school. Many
students were coming to Tampa from different places. At that time
there was a small college which was opened newly named sun
shield arts college. There was a student named Stuart. He was
studying there and he was a newcomer. He was enjoying himself all
the time. Because you know for a newcomer in college new entry
feeling is something different you know all that very well. He was
always happy all time fun etc. All class was happy because of Stuart’s
funny attitude. But don’t know he found himself very upset as well as
the teachers and friends nowadays. He was not talking to anybody in the
class all the time just sadness. He was looking like just he was about
to cry. Then everybody just noticing that then one of his teachers tried
to talk with Stuart. Teacher asked Stuart what happened to you. Why your
face is so sad .you are not even talking to your friends, you are
not even playing with your friends . Then Stuart said that I had fallen in
love with a girl. Now she don’t want to stay in relationship with me.
She wants break up already she left me lonely i don’t know what to
do now i am not understanding what is going on around me .i feel
that there is nothing without that girl in my life. All the time I am
remembered that moment what I spend with her and crying. Teacher listened to
him carefully. The teacher wanted to teach Stuart a lesson “ how to live
life happily every moment of our life”. Then the teacher said to Stuart
ok dear don’t worry I will help you.
A teacher said to Stuart please come to my house at 6 pm. I want you in my
house. In 6 pm Stuart went to teacher ’s house then teacher welcomes him in
his house asked for what you would like to drink. Stuart said, teacher, I
would go for a lemon drink. Then the teacher said wait just a minute in the
meantime I will make a lemon drink for you. When the teacher was making a
lemon drink for Stuarts he added much salt to the lemon drink as compared to
sugar. then he made the drink and gave to Stuart. Stuart found that the lemon
drink was very salty and it is not drinkable .then Stuart told to
teach that it is very salty then the teacher asked for Stuart exactly
that’s what I wanted to tell you that it is very salty what to do now please
through out this one i will make a another one for you then Stuart replied
no no no it’s ok teacher its only salty if we add much sugar as compare
to salt in this drink then it will be awesome the teacher said that’s
what I wanted to listen to Stuart exactly in the same way your life is
going on now your life is very salty don’t you feel that Stuart if
you want to live your life happily every moment then you have to just
add some sugar of sweet memory in your life as compared to bad memory
just destroy the bad and sad memory in your life then enjoy your
life. Stuart understood all that then came back to his hostel. From that day
all the class, students, teachers everyone noticed that Stuart was living his
life better than before all time fun happy life.
The moral thing from this story is always happy whatever situation comes just
forget what happened to you before forget all bad memories and try to add lots
of sweet memory in our life. Then you will rock your life there is no doubt.
Read Also:- Better Life
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