One day, he met a village elder and told him his dream. The old man said to Aryan, “Son, your dream can come true, but you will have to struggle for it. Difficulties will not break you, but will make you stronger.”
Aryan decided to work in the vegetable fields of that old man. Even while working, he continued his studies and became a support to everyone from time to time.
Gradually, Aryan’s hard work took him to higher education. He never gave up to fulfill his dream. After good studies, he got a job in a big company.
Aryan’s hard work and struggle took him to the heights of success. He taught himself to always believe in hard work and self-confidence.
From this story we learn that any difficulty can be defeated with hard work, struggle and self-confidence. Aryan showed that dreams can come true, we just have to work hard to achieve them.