Time Value
People say that time is money. But I believe that time is more than money. Because no matter how rich you get, but you can never bring back your past. Therefore, I…
People say that time is money. But I believe that time is more than money. Because no matter how rich you get, but you can never bring back your past. Therefore, I…
Enjoy Life at Every Moment Once a fisherman was sitting near seashore, under the shadow of a tree smoking his beedi. Suddenly a rich businessman passing by approached him and…
Years ago, we did not even know how the body works. Now we have seen it open and have done a lot of work with it. We have a lot…
Many years ago there was a beautiful place named Tama. Its population was more than twenty five thousands. Tama was the headquarter of one of his district block. There are…
विश्व एक विशाल व्यायामशाला है जहाँ हम खुद को मजबूत बनाने के लिए आते हैं। The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong. जैसा तुम…
While keeping a positive attitude, you don’t necessarily have to be less stressed should be, it can equip you with the tools that you need in healthy ways Have to face stress. Those…
My wife, Sharon, and I bought a new car in December. Even though we had tickets to fly from California to Houston to meet my family for Christmas, we decided…
1. तीनो लोको के स्वामी सर्वशक्तिमान भगवान विष्णु को नमन करते हुए मै एक राज्य के लिए नीति शास्त्र के सिद्धांतों को कहता हूँ. मै यह सूत्र अनेक शास्त्रों का आधार ले कर कह…
Face Difficulties Positively यह दृष्टांत एक किसान का बताया जाता है, जो एक पुराने खच्चर का मालिक था। खच्चर किसान के कुएं में गिर गया किसान ने खच्चर की प्रार्थना…
Once a king hunted someone with his convoy for the purpose of hunting was passing through the forest. The victim was not seen far and wide, they slowly he entered…